Pochi giorni fa è uscito un articolo molto interessante sul developer blog di .NET che credo valga la pena sottolineare/evidenziare. Per molto può sembrare un concetto banale, ma personalmente mi piace vedere degli how-to pratici e sopratutto chiari che coprono tematiche collegata al mondo della migrazione e/o modernizzazione applicativa. L’articolo in questione è il seguente Sharing code between ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core - questo l’estratto del wrapup (per i contenuti vi conviene leggere il post direttamente)

The ability to share code also includes static content like CSS, JavaScript and images. Step-by-step you can build flexibility into your web app today to make your migration to ASP.NET Core easier. If you would like more detailed guidance to migrate the entire ShoppingCartController.cs you can follow a full walkthrough with samples at MvcMusicStoreMigration. The walkthrough will also demonstrate how you can run both ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core from the same IIS Application Pool to incrementally migrate your web app one controller at a time. For those planning to start work on their ASP.NET Core migration we’ll share a few more tips.

  • Upgrade your NuGet packages so you can use netstandard.
  • Change your class libraries to netstandard so you can share code between ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core.
  • Find references to System.Web in your class libraries build interfaces replace them. Use dependency injection so you can easily switch between ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core features.

E non dimentichiamoci della guida completa disponibile al link Migrate from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core